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Be More Dog Reviews

Be More Dog reviews help others understand the meaning of this inspirational story. See what readers are saying and submit your Amazon review link below to access a special gift and bonus material.

What are people saying about Be More Dog?

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Advance Praise for the Authors:

“I love that they got in the RV and did it for their dog, Jerry.”
— Oprah Winfrey (The Gayle King Show, May 2010)

“I think what y’all are doing is great.”
— Dave Ramsey (The Dave Ramsey Show, September 2012)

“This powerful book is a love note to all who have had the honor and joy to share the companionship of a beloved dog.”
— Patrick McDonnell (MUTTS Creator)

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Be More Dog Reader Reviews

Read more Be More Dog reviews on Amazon.

…A great read for all of us who  forget to live in the now and are  bogged down with the everyday  stressors of work and life… — Renae

I truly did love your book. I’ve always believed dogs have a special purpose in our lives and your book drives that point home…If you’ve ever had a dog, this book is  a mustr read! –Rhonda

Be More Dog is deeply moving and beautiful in so many ways… — Dave

This book was an easy read and a wonderful story... — Michelle

As an avid reader and animal lover I found this book to be very gripping and heartfelt... — Jackie

This is a wonderful touching story that had several themes…I really enjoyed the spiritual aspects concerning Jerry. It is an easy read that is well written.— Keemo

The story is truly compelling—a page turner, but not suspenseful—it is because it is written beautifully. —Dawnmarie

It is so well written! A very easy read that will touch your mind and heart with a wonderful story… — Frankie

It’s so uplifting and brings a smile to your face as you read it. More importantly, it teaches us all how to live every day to the fullest... — EG

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More Published Be More Dog Reader Reviews:

RV Life Magazine: Full-Time RVers Share Wisdom In Their New Book ‘Be More Dog’

Joyful Paws Blog: Be More Dog – A Touching Story of a Tripawd that Reminds Us to Live in the Now

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