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More Be More Dog Book Reviews

Rene doesn’t like to read our Be More Dog book reviews on Amazon. I, on the other hand, check our reviews once in a while. I like to know what our readers think. And I always welcome constructive criticism. Author Rene Agredano doesn’t want to hear it, if someone has something bad to say. The good news? Nobody has had anything bad to say about our book, Be More Dog: Learning to Live in the Now. At least not yet. 🙂

Be More Dog Book Reviews

What Readers Are Saying in Be More Dog Book Reviews

Of 39 global ratings so far, the vast majority of Be More Dog Book Reviews get 5 stars from readers. Check out a few highlights of what they’re saying.

Recent reader Nancy commented:

Having lived a similar journey…I smiled, laughed, frowned and ugly cried while I mourned Jerry as well as my girl But the message is so profound from these amazing, incredible, resilient angels – be more and live in the now!

A verified Kindle version reader called Be More Dog, “Very moving!”

…I’ve read 1,000’s of books over the years but never have I left a review – until this one! “Be More Dog” captures the human/dog bond wonderfully. Helps me understand and better appreciate the close connection I share with my dogs (present and past). Thank you so much for putting into words the feelings in my heart. So very well written…

Be More Dog Book Reviews

Another five-star Be More Dog book review stated:

This is a wonderful touching story that had several themes…I really enjoyed the spiritual aspects concerning Jerry. It is an easy read that is well written….I highly recommend this story for animal lovers and pet owners facing a cancer diagnosis of their own four legged friends.

One Be More Dog book review that really touches my heart was titled: A Must Read. NOW! NOW! NOW!

This book was fantastic! If you’ve ever had a dog, this is a must read…The message is clear and is something all humans should strive to achieve in their lifetime. I read the kindle version, then ordered the paperback on the Tripawds site.

Long time Tripawds fans, and anyone who watched the PBS Documentary Why We Love Cats and Dogs understands the significant role of NOW in our book – and in our life.

Have you read the book, and posted a Be More Dog book review on Amazon? If so, Thank you! Be sure to submit your review link to access bonus material and claim your free gift. If not, grab your favorite format below. Or, read more reviews on Amazon, and let us know what you think.


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