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Rootless Living Podcast Interviews Be More Dog Authors about Nomadic Life

Be More Dog authors Rene and Jim were the latest guests on the Rootless Living Podcast. Demian Ross is the publisher of the new Rootless Living Magazine. The magazine and podcast profile full-time RVers and nomads like Jim and Rene. And he interviewed them for his podcast episode #21.

“I love that the motivation was your dog. I really do.”
—Demian Ross, Rootless Living (Episode 21)

Rootless Living – All Because of Jerry

Rene and Jim began their rootless living 13 years ago, before there was such a name for the lifestyle. After their Chief Fun Officer Jerry was diagnosed with bone cancer, they proceeded with amputation to improve his quality of life. Then they bought a new RV, picked up their roots, and hit the road full-time to travel the country together as a pack. What they once considered the location independent lifestyle, is now called rootless living.

“We were happy to hear about the new magazine, and the podcast,” says Jim. The couple was excited to share their story with listeners. Among other things, he and Rene discuss why they hit the road with Jerry in 2007, the Tripawds community he inspired, the various workamping jobs they’ve had, and how they continue working from anywhere to keep up their rootless living lifestyle nearly 13 years later.

With an audience of RVers and nomads, the discussion’s primary focus is living on the road – which Jim and Rene continue to this day.

“I think you might be our longest full-time travelers, with a launch date of 2007.” —DR

Listen to Rootless Living Episode #21: Jim & Rene (
Rootless Living
Rootless Living Podcast Episode Artwork

SPOILER ALERT: This podcast episode reveals information not shared in the book, Be More Dog.

From the Podcast Episode Description:

On this episode Demian chats with Jim and Rene the duo behind and 

This episode covers a lot from being full-time travelers since 2007, to starting a running a business/community on the road to a really unique and interesting story of why they decided to go full-time.

“In 2019 you published a book, it’s called Be More Dog: Learning to Live in the Now…it sounds like it’s gonna bring in everything we’ve already talked about…why you guys did the lifestyle, the lifestyle itself…

There really is a little bit for everyone in this episode as Jim and Rene really brought up some amazing discussion points. Hopefully you will look them up and recommend them if you know anyone with a 3 legged dog.

You can find Jim & Rene at or their community for three legged dogs at or their book BE MORE DOG here

Listen to Rootless Living Episode #21: Jim & Rene (


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