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Be More Dog to Find Your Purpose

For Be More Dog authors Rene and Jim it was the other way around. After their Chief Fun Officer Jerry lost a leg to cancer, they found their purpose was to Be More Dog. To find your purpose, ask yourself why you do what you do. Or rather, in most cases, why you want to do what it is you would rather be doing.

Finding purpose is a recurring theme in many of the podcast appearances Rene and Jim have been making as part of the virtual media tour for their new book Be More Dog: Learning to Live in the Now.

create podcast

Finding Purpose Focus of Creator Series Podcast Interview

Their recent interview for the CREATE with Katrina Julia podcast was no exception. Katrina produces the Creator’s Creations series, where she shares the origin stories of creators and influencers. She says, “We are sharing highlights from transformation stories and how we are creating FIT Life Creation and the community.”

Jerry’s story caused such a transformation for Jim and Rene, it inspired them to create the Tripawds community. So they were a perfect fit for the show. It’s no wonder that so much of the discussion highlighted the importance of community, overcoming challenges, and finding your purpose to fuel your passion.

Listen to the full episode here:

Unexpected Inspiration Fuels Rene’s and Jim’s Passion and Influence

Their Creator Series contribution culminated with this hour-long podcast interview. Much of the discussion highlighted the importance of building community, overcoming challenges, and finding your purpose to fuel your passion. Jim and Rene share tips to help find your purpose, and explain how everything changed for them once they found theirs.

fit life creation

Katrina kicked of the series with this guest post by Rene and Jim for her Fit Life Creation blog.

Read the full article here:

Lessons Learned on the Road to Happiness with Rene and Jim: Creator Series

And if you’d rather listen than read, check out the voice-over version of their profile that Rene recorded. You can listen to that on Apple Podcasts here:

CREATE with Katrina Julia: Lessons Learned on the Road to Happiness with Rene and Jim

Are you searching to find your purpose? NOTE: You don’t have to wait until your dog gets sick – or any other traumatic event to open your eyes. You just need to look within, and ask yourself: Why?

Find out why Jim and Rene love the life they live, and how they got there in Be More Dog: Learning to Live in the Now.

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