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Learning to Be More Dog in The Mosaic Podcast

How do we find connection with others in a world that feels so fragmented? The Mosaic Podcast and the book are two ways to do it.

The Mosaic Podcast Spotlights the Be More Dog Philosophy

The Mosaic Podcast

We are all connected with one another but sometimes the world doesn’t feel like it. A great book called The Mosaic, and its namesake podcast, is actively highlighting our similarities with one another. The goal? To engage in conversations that encourage unity, resolve conflict and make the world a better place.

The Mosaic by Daniel Bruce Levin

Recently, The Mosaic’s creator Daniel Bruce Levin, asked us onto The Mosaic Podcast, to share our journey to learn how to Be More Dog. An avid road-tripper, our story caught his eye, because earlier this year Danny was supposed to take a long road trip around the country to meet people and share their stories in the podcast. But then the pandemic happened and everything changed. Danny also had a Golden Retriever who taught him important life lessons, so he could relate to our experience with Jerry. It was a natural fit.

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Why We are More Dog

In Daniel’s words, this is what you will hear in this podcast:

  • a love story on many levels
  • how 2 people and one dog deal with a terminal diagnosis given to their dog and create a new life from it
  • what in the world possessed them to completely change their lifestyle and go out on the road with a 3 legged terminally ill dog?
  • how Jerry, their dog, showed them how they had lost the very thing they loved about life
  • diving into the pivot point a little deeper of what happened in that moment
  • how Jerry’s diagnosis brought light to and coincided with a moment of burnout that they only now saw
  • the crack where the light comes in. a line from a Leonard Cohen song resonates with them
  • the daily routine of no routine helped Jerry hold on as Jim every night spoke to hi and told him just hold on buddy
  • how the thought of a one year sabbatical from life turned into an entirely new life
  • hear how everything conspired to move them along their journey
  • are there moments of regret?
  • the walked into two big trends unknowingly: the nomadic lifestyle and the minimalist
  • the role of Jerry in teaching them how to deal with having conflict when living in such a small space
  • putting what they love ahead of everything else
  • has this lifestyle become a new comfort zone?
  • with RV parks shutting down due to the pandemic, Rene wondered if the lifestyle without water, and sewage was still right.
  • what scares them the most about the lifestyle they are living
    a book that helps them to look at fear: Fearvana
  • what was the biggest surprise? and what completely changed in the way you live life now
  • when does Jerry stop being the teacher and you grow into the space of seeing how awesome you are?
  • how our stories make sense until they no longer make sense?
  • from 3-legged’s to 2 legged’s and taking the lesson they learned in a time of adversity to being the stories that inspire others now
  • the possible development of owning the new brand “Be More Dog”.
  • the need for people to hear the message of what people are really like out there?
  • the story of the pear tree
  • the dropping of the gun, the loss of fearing others and the beauty of reframing your life through making a choice
  • the power of Viktor Frankel’s words
  • the one thing . . .

A note from Rene:

Danny interviewed us just as the world started reeling with Black Lives Matter protests. Since the day we talked, I’ve been thinking about something I said on the show, regarding my long-held belief that the world isn’t such a scary place.

For non-black people like myself, the protests and public consciousness raising have shaken my attitudes and beliefs to their core. In my case, I’m finally seeing the extent to which I am privileged. How my lighter skin color allows me to see the world with such a different point-of-view. It’s not a scary place to someone like ME, but what about the people who have been oppressed and repeatedly beaten down by the system their entire lives? There’s no way they can see the world like I do, and I just want to apologize to all of them for not coming to this realization sooner. I’ve got much to learn, and I’m committed to doing better and learning about other experiences, so that everyone has the freedom to experience the world without fear as I do.

With all my heart,

~ Rene

Jim has similar thoughts:

As a white privileged male, I have been thinking about my comments since recording this episode – and how they may be misconstrued as insensitive to the current state of affairs. Specifically, during our discussion I stressed how this world is filled with good people – that we only see all the “bad apples” mainstream media chooses to show us.

I still believe the majority of people are good-hearted souls. But I also understand now that this is a privilege I have, to even be able to say that. Of the few times I have been pulled over in my life, no police officer has ever approached my car with gun drawn. I do not have to worry about feeling threatened or judged by others, simply for going on a run. I have never felt disenfranchised. And I will never know what it’s like to be judged by the color of my skin.

For many out there, I’m certain it is hard to find the good in people. Especially for people of color who have been seen as less than equal by so many others, for far too long. This is where the beauty of The Mosaic rings true. Together, we make the whole – we become more powerful, and heard. Disassembled and scattered, we remain weak and confused. But it all starts within each and every one of us, because we are all made up of the same pieces, only arranged in different order.

With deep gratitude,

~ Jim

Watch Video version of this Podcast:


Find all recent podcast appearances with Be More Dog authors and Tripawds founders, Rene and Jim, on the Be More Dog Media page. Follow our continued RV adventures at

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