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Be More Dog Overview for Book Reviewers and Media

Download this book media sheet for a Be More Dog overview, book details, story synopsis, author talking points, audience demographics, and contact information.

Book Media Sheet Includes Be More Dog Overview and More

Be More Dog authors and Tripawds co-founders Jim and Rene have prepared this virtual press kit for anyone interested in reviewing their book or inviting them onto their podcast, or other media outlet for an author interview. The two-page PDF includes all the information needed for anyone writing a review or looking for authors with an interesting story to share.

Download Be More Dog Media Sheet

Be More Dog Media Sheet

Jim and Rene published Be More Dog: Learning to Live in the Now to share the story of their dog Jerry and the many lessons he taught them after his amputation due to bone cancer. After getting the devastating news, the couple sold everything and bought an RV to travel the country together as a pack, with Jerry leading the way. Be More Dog was ranked a #1 New Release on Amazon, and features a foreword by MUTTS creator Patrick McDonnell.

In one simple PDF download, this media sheet includes overview information about the book, and the authors. Page one includes a synopsis of the story, publication details, and quotes of advance praise for the authors’ lifestyle.

“I love that they got in the RV and did it for their dog, Jerry.”
Oprah Winfrey (The Gayle King Show, May 2010)

Page two provides details about the authors, and the lessons learned from Jerry on the road to happiness. Jim and Rene have had various podcast appearances so far, and are available for more. The media sheet sheds light on their expertise and talking points – applicable for any podcast about dogs, entrepreneurship, or RV travel.

be more dog appearancesJim and Renee have enjoyed sharing their experience and expertise with podcast hosts. Check out their past appearances to hear them discuss:

  • Pet Amputation Recovery & Care
  • Finding Purpose
  • Serving Others
  • Living a Fulfilled Life

Their favorite discussion topics include:

  • Amputation for Dogs & Cats
  • Entrepreneurial Spirit & Self Employment
  • Full-time RVing & Nomadic Living
  • Life/Work Balance, Fulfillment & Joy

For complete details, download the Be More Dog Overview Media Sheet. Contact Jim and Rene below with any questions or media inquiries. For interview requests, please provide a link to your show or publication with details including target audience, key messaging, social presence, and statistics. Thank you!

Please forward this link to the host of your favorite podcast. Share it on social media. Together we can help show the world that its better to hop on three legs than to limp on four.

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